Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Ghost of South Horizons

April 22-23: I’m the ghost haunting South Horizons. Lately, I’ve been spooking about the residential area and nearby Aberdeen.

White people are ghost people, to the Chinese. A Caucasian male from Europe or the States is often referred to as, “gwai lo, 鬼 佬" (ghost man). Because I am young, I can still be called a “ghost kid,” or “gwai tzai, 鬼 仔," hence the title of this blog.

The pronunciation of the term confuses my English-accustomed ears. “Gwai” is also the transliteration for both “good” and “strange.” Change your pitch at the end of the pronunciation of “gwai,” and you could say “good kid, 乖 仔" instead of “ghost kid.” I try to be that, too (rather than the strange kid (怪 仔) bumming around the house).

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